5 Dating tips you can be using for SEO

We here at awkward media are well aware of the lady-killers that frequent our site and our services. You’re reading about search engine optimization? You must never wake up alone, sir. In the dating world and the Internet alike, a major setback is increasing population. Too many fish in the sea, and too many pages to scour, making it as hard to make your business page relevant as it is to catch someone’s eye from across the room…at a warehouse rave. We must now ask not how does one attract people in general, but how does one attract the right kind of people and keep them coming back for more. Through the language and tips most commonly associated with dating, we’ll investigate how SEO (Search Engine Optimization) principles and finely tuned searching methods can optimize being the most visible, popular and appropriate site “naturally”. Who knows, you might even be able to pick up some solid dating advice from an actual female.

Be yourself

Easily the most frequent bit of advice used for those on the hunt, but how does it apply to your business? Well, You wouldn’t promote yourself on a dating site as a heavyweight champion if you don’t even lift, bro. The same principle applies to your usage of keywords. Honesty is key, cause when a search query locates the appropriate database based on these keywords, you don’t want your potential clients to be misdirected. The point of using keywords is not to rank highly for all keywords, but to rank highly for the keywords that people are searching for when they want what your site provides. (There are far more filthy analogies of what else you shouldn’t lie about on a dating site to avoid disappointment, but we’re too classy a crew to stoop to those cheap laughs).

Watch your language

Though I would urge you not to blatantly swear at someone you are trying to charm, your language in this case means the specificity of your keywords. They must reflect what you are offering; so the broader your language is doesn’t necessarily mean the greater the audience. Learn to use your long-tail keywords. They make it easier to rank and can drive just as much traffic. They narrow the competition for search results and improve your chance for higher ranks. It’s the difference between presenting yourself as “a young professional, self-proclaimed romantic and frequent star gazer”, rather than just “lonely guy”.

Put your best foot forward

Now, I’m not suggesting that you wear a name tag when trying to make a splash with the honeys, but Title tags for your website are more than welcomed. One of the best ways to optimize a page’s rankings is to ensure that the keywords you want to rank are notably used in titles, text, and metadata. Because when you want to get deep, you’ve got to get Meta. Meta description tags help draw visitors from the search results page. Think of it as the cheeky top button undone on a collared shirt. It leaves a little for the ladies to dream about while avoiding the unsettling Simon Cowell-like chest reveal.

It’s what’s inside that really counts

Much like the emotional barriers we put up to push others away, so too are the barriers that block multiple new users from the content of your site. It’s important to consider what elements of your content are indexable and visible to the engines. In dating terms, you have to open up, and really let them see you for your best self, doll. ‘Best self’ being the key phrase here, as search engines will only crawl so many links on a specific page to cut down on spam. If your page has hundreds of links on it, it’s less likely that all of those links will be crawled and indexed (refer to previous Simon Cowell analogy).

Finally, don’t forget your wingman

If you’re looking to increase traffic, think about other brands, companies and sites that you would like to promote through testimonials. By taking the first step and getting your wingman’s back, it can start a beautiful relationship and another avenue for people to frequent your site. Who doesn’t like a guy who treats his boys well? With this increased insight, you should feel a little more inclined to get back on the horse, marketing and dating wise. Learn to fully optimize your presence both online and in real life. Watch out ladies. Now, go get ‘em champ, we believe in you. Much love and best of luck, y’all.

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