Category Blog

8 Sites You Should Bookmark For Free Stock Images

A picture is worth a thousand words. Apparently a lot of money too. It’s no secret that when writing blog posts, you can’t always have your own photography to match the content. This is where sites like Shutterstock and Getty…

Donald: How you can’t Trump the Content Marketing Game

There is quite honestly nothing more frightening, off putting and infuriating than watching America’s Presidential campaign. Or the preliminary stages of it, I don’t know. The whole process seems to take longer than the presidential term. This time around, watching…

Scorching Summer Marketing Strategies

With warm weather here to stay, Canadians are flocking to enjoy the great outdoors. But rest assured, that doesn’t mean they won’t be in the mood to shop. As seasons change, new marketing opportunities emerge (make sure to wow your…

7 Genius uses of Social Media Marketing in 2015 (Pt. 2)

Welcome to the much anticipated second half of 7 Genius uses of Social Media Marketing in 2015. Some of the year’s best have been saved for last. Honest Tea #Refreshinglyhonest Honest Tea decided to promote their range of naturally sweetened teas with a…

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