Feeling fat makes you fat- Feeling fat and unhealthy

Feeling fat makes you fat- Feeling fat and unhealthy

Feeling fat makes you fat Another deleterious effect, and rather surprising, of the cult of thinness, of a certain image of the “perfect body“. This very large-scale study was carried out in Norway and involved some 1,200 adolescents, aged 13 to 19 at the start. Their BMI and waist size were assessed, while they were asked about their subjective perception of weight. The measurements were taken again ten years later.

Feeling fat makes you fat- Feeling fat and unhealthy

The conclusion is clear

those who were “coated”, “chubby”, “too fat”, despite a normal weight, are exposed to a considerably increased risk of later presenting a weight and a waist circumference above average; compared to those who rightly consider themselves to be of normal weight. And if the unjustified tendency to consider oneself overweight is especially true for girls, the phenomenon of cause and effect at a distance is identified for both sexes.

The explanation advanced by these specialists from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology? A phenomenon of stress, obsession, which leads to adopting completely unsuitable eating behaviors (reckless restrictions, repeated diets, skipping meals, etc.). It would be interesting to carry out a similar study, this time focusing on adults, and it would not be surprising if it led to similar observations.

i’m feeling Diabetes: weight really makes all the difference

Whether we are looking at prevention or treatment, the weight makes all the difference in the face of diabetes. It is especially important to keep your body mass index (BMI) under control.

feeling fat

This British team (University of Cambridge) presents data that leaves no room for doubt. She followed half a million people, as many men as women, from middle age to an average age of 65. At the start, two parameters were evaluated: the genetic risk of diabetes and the BMI (this index was recalculated at periodic intervals).

What do we see? – why fat makes you fat ?

• People in the highest BMI group (> 34) have an 11- fold risk of developing diabetes compared to those in the lowest BMI group (<22).

• People in the highest BMI group are at greater risk for diabetes regardless of the BMI + genetic sensitivity combination.

• The duration of being overweight or obese has only a relative effect. In reality, it is crossing a certain BMI threshold that is the problem. Which? The one that will trigger blood sugar disturbances (blood sugar levels).

The researchers continue

“These results indicate that many cases of diabetes could be prevented by keeping the BMI below the threshold at which being overweight triggers blood sugar problems. This means that preventing diabetes involves regular assessment of BMI and blood sugar. Efforts to lose weight are critical when a person begins to develop these blood sugar problems. And it would be possible to reverse diabetes by losing weight in the early stages of the disease before permanent damage occurs ”.

Daily consumption of yogurt helps prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes: a small pot a day is a good dose.

As part of a diet balanced, combined with regular physical activity, yogurt can be very interesting as an additional means of prevention of diabetes . What is particularly striking in this American study (Harvard University) is the size of the population taken into account, since it reaches some 200,000 people followed for several decades, and up to a million when we know that these results were crossed with those of other studies.

And so, eating a small pot of plain yogurt each day reduces your risk of developing diabetes by almost 20% . This effect has not been observed with milk or cheese, which therefore suggests that the “good bacteria” provided by yogurt play a central role (by improving the composition of the intestinal flora), with perhaps other components ( proteins, vitamins, including vitamin K, etc.), and an influence on caloric intake (yogurt advantageously replaces a snack or a fatter and sweeter dessert, etc.). In any case, it is an excellent nutritional reference.

Among the risk factors for diabetes, muscle weakness could play an important role. And in this context, the strength of the handshake would be a good clue.

This British team (University of Bristol) first recalls that grip strength has already been associated with the risk of diabetes, but its usefulness as a predictor had not yet been explored. This is done during the twenty-year follow-up of a thousand seniors, free from diabetes at the start.

The strength of their handshake was determined by dynamometer on four occasions (at the beginning, after 4 and 11 years, and at the end).

The result shows a “significant” association between a decline in grip strength and an increased risk of developing diabetes. The relationship is seen in both sexes, but it is particularly noticeable in women.

The researchers explain: “Adding grip strength to classic diabetes factors improves risk assessment. This simple and inexpensive method could become a valid clinical tool for the early identification of people at high risk of diabetes ” .

i’m feeling Diabetes: what are the benefits of cinnamon? – i feel fat when i eat

Could cinnamon play a favorable role in the management of diabetes, and in any case help control prediabetes?

This track has already been explored, and it is here deepened by an American team (Joslin Diabetes Center). The researchers formed two groups of people with prediabetes (fasting blood sugar between 1.05 – 1.10 and 1.25 g / L or 6.1 and 6.9 mmol / L).

For three months, half received a supplement of 1.5 g of cinnamon (1 tablet of 500 mg, three times a day), the other a placebo (an inactive substance). A series of tests evaluated the evolution of fasting blood sugar, as well as post-meal ( post-meal ) blood sugar spikes and its stabilization process.

The result shows a favorable effect of cinnamon on all these parameters, and this with a favorable safety profile. Even if these data are positive, the authors do not go too fast, and they encourage studies of longer duration and larger scale to determine if cinnamon can help to slow the progression of prediabetes to the disease.

type 2 diabetes; or even participate in the management of diabetes, since it has a beneficial effect on glucose tolerance. Until then, adding this spice to your preparations will certainly not hurt.

i’m feeling Diabetes: the major threat of heart failure

Diabetic patients are at a significantly increased risk of developing heart failure. Faced with the threat of this complication, close monitoring is essential, if not vital.

feeling diabetes

Heart failure refers to a disease in which the heart is not able to pump blood as effectively as it should, due to an abnormal contraction or filling of the heart muscle. The characteristic symptoms are shortness of breath and fatigue that are disproportionate to the effort provided, swollen legs, a rapid heart rate, etc.

Heart failure can have various causes. We know that diabetes increases the risk by 2.5 to 5 . Several factors and complex mechanisms are involved in this relationship, including the description of specifically diabetic cardiomyopathy. The potential consequences of heart failure are serious.

The vital importance of care

A Danish team (Herlev og Gentofte Hospital) carried out a large-scale study, with the follow-up for an average of ten years (between 6 and 14 years) of some 154,000 patients recently diagnosed with diabetes, and free of cardiovascular disease or kidney disease at begins.

The researchers took into account several complications, which diabetes is known to increase the risk: heart failure, coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, and chronic kidney disease.

The result shows that regardless of when it manifests itself after the diagnosis of diabetes, heart failure is the complication associated with the highest risk of death within five years of its development, and in terms of reduction of heart failure. life expectancy.

Researchers, therefore, insist on the vital importance of prevention, screening, and treatment of this complication, and this as soon as the diagnosis of diabetes has been made. Even more so, of course, if other risk factors for heart failure are present, such as obesity, high blood pressure, or a coronary problem.

The initial treatment of heart failure is based on behavioral adaptation ( especially diet ) and the administration of drugs.

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