Increase Your Facebook Followers Without Spending a Dime

Are you on Facebook? If the answer is no, then what are you waiting for? Using Facebook to promote your brand or business has the potential to reach millions of future customers and readers. Plus, Facebook can seamlessly link to your other social media apps, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Why not use this opportunity to increase your visibility? Boost your Facebook followers for free by following these easy tips:

Engage With Your Potential Audience

As Neil Patel and Eric Siu say”give before you ask.” That means, in order to get Facebook users to jump onto your page and be interested in what you have to say, you have to engage with them in a real way that proves you’ve got bite to go with that bark. Find related pages and engage with other users by getting involved with topics, starting conversations, and giving thorough, well-researched advice. If you add your two cents on a comment string and immediately make a shoutout to your own page, you probably won’t earn as many Facebook followers as you would by building real relationships with your potential audience.

Give them a Reason to Follow You With Quality Content

Facebook is a great platform for boosting audience engagement when you post share-worthy content. You’ll notice on your homepage that many of your friends are reposting click-baity content that tends to be interesting, entertaining, well-written, and well-presented. If you want to gain Facebook followers without spending any money, remember that quality content goes a long way. Before spending your hard-earned dollars on Facebook marketing, ask yourself how engaging your page is to begin with. Would you want to follow your page? Produce high-quality content and produce it often enough that your readers will look forward to your next post but won’t feel overwhelmed by them. For more tips on how to write quality content for Facebook.

Use Pop-Ups and Emails to Encourage New Follows

Don’t just rely on Facebook to attract Facebook followers. Use your other social media apps to lure traffic to your fan page. Fortunately for you, it’s super easy to set up. Neil Patel recommends using Hello Bar. Don’t forget to reference your Facebook page on other platforms, like your blog, Twitter page, and website. Sometimes, your fans just need reminding that your Facebook page even exists.

Offer Facebook-Exclusive Content

Most important of all, give fans an incentive to like your Facebook page. Some people are pretty resistant to following new pages because they’re already overwhelmed by the amount of content they have to keep up with. So, how do you make fans loyal of your page? Here are some suggestions:

  • Publish exclusive Facebook-only content
  • Offer Facebook promo codes and discounts for followers: FYI, many, many, people only follow Facebook pages for the added discounts.
  • And finally, set up follower-only contests.

Get Up Close and Personal

Don’t use your Facebook page as an ongoing ad for your product, service, or website. In fact, if you’re using it like your own personal ad space, that might be the reason you have so few followers. It might surprise you to learn that many companies thrive because they allow their audience to see what’s on the other side of the curtain. Invite your fans in and let them see how you work, what your office space looks like. Introduce yourself and the staff to your followers. This humanizes your brand, which gives your fans something to connect with. Open up a little and get a lot of positive feedback.

Earn Facebook Followers With a Little Help

Essentially, earning Facebook followers that stick around requires some common sense. How do you get anyone to want to listen to what you have to say? For starters, don’t be annoying. Earn their trust by posting entertaining and informative content that they don’t have to try to like.  People can tell pretty quickly when you’re just in it for their thumbs up. If that all sounds like a bunch of hard work, we get it. Maintaining your social media presence is often a full-time job that requires a thorough understanding of Facebook marketing, content creation, analytics, and design. If you don’t think you have what it takes to build a strong Facebook presence.

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