Grand Lake Mental Health

Grand Lake Mental Health Center provides services for people in need

At Grand Lake Mental Health Center we provide services that help people deal with life’s challenges and move forward in their lives. We do this by partnering with individuals, families, communities, and other organizations to provide mental health care that makes a difference in the lives of those we serve. When you partner with us to improve the quality of life of individuals and families, you are making an investment in your community’s well-being.

Grand Lake Mental Health Center Services:

Grand Lake Mental Health and substance abuse prevention, treatment, counseling, crisis intervention and referral to a range of human service agencies including: Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS), Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Work First Family Assistance (WF) child care programs, Head Start. Early Head Start programs, we also provide outreach and support for veteran’s affairs as well as vocational rehabilitation services through VETS Adult Rehabilitation Services Program. We offer Early Intervention to meet the needs of infants and toddlers with developmental delays who qualify due to a range of risk factors.

To achieve these goals we provide training, technical assistance, consultation and networking opportunities to public agencies that serve children, adults or families impacted by mental illness or substance use disorders. Grand Lake Mental Health Center is located in Grand County, OK which is a rural county located on the western border between Colorado and New Mexico. It has been noted that residents living in rural areas have more limited access to behavioral health resources than those living in urban areas. Grand County has three other behavioral health providers but none specifically serving adults with serious mental illness or co-occurring disorders.

Staff trains DHS staff members on evidence based practice models and how they can be implemented into their daily work routine when working directly with clients served by Grand Lake Mental Health Center’s program.

Grand Lake Mental Health Treatment Plans:

Grand Lake  Our team works closely with you and other important members of your treatment team to develop a plan that meets all of your goals. Treatment plans are based on scientific research, evidence-based practices, best practices, and customized to meet your needs. We have expertise in using a wide range of evidence-based practices including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and more. Learn more about our treatment options.

Grand Lake Mental Health’s mission: 

Our mission is to provide care, support and treatment to enable individuals, families and communities affected by mental illness to overcome their challenges. We aim to enhance quality of life through our evidenced-based integrated behavioral health treatment programs. These programs are designed and customized according to each individual’s unique needs and strengths.

Our staff team includes psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, counselors and therapists who believe that all individuals have strengths which when activated can make a significant difference in mental health recovery.

Grand Lake serves Adam County ID patients from 12 counties in northeast Oklahoma through its HOPE Partners Program since 2012. This program provides funding for transportation and other expenses so clients don’t lose their jobs or homes due to lack of access to care. In 2016, we were awarded a grant from SAMHSA’s Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act Fund at OKDHS to implement two additional HOPE Programs serving Atoka & Pittsburg Counties in southeast Oklahoma.

Through these partnerships with local hospitals and providers we will be able to expand access to evidence based interventions including: Individual Therapy Group Counseling; Family Counseling; Support Group Case Management Services; Medication Management Peer Support Services Push Health Services & more! I am always interested in learning about new approaches to dealing with common problems faced by those living with severe mental illness.

Grand Lake As such I was intrigued by an invitation I received last week from Laura Toomey Ph.D., President/CEO of Mending Minds Foundation, to attend her talk on Rethinking Psychosis Intervention being presented at Yale University School of Medicine on March 21st. Here is a brief description of her talk which was developed around a Ted Talk she gave last year titled Breakthrough Recovery from Psychosis: Since 2000 Dr. Toomey has worked with hundreds of people struggling with psychosis across multiple settings and agencies.

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