San Diego County Office of Education

San Diego County Office of Education | Offers Credentialing Services

In San Diego County, there are more than 1,200 local school districts and charter schools that employ nearly 145,000 teachers and administrators. The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) works closely with the San Diego County Superintendent of Schools to provide credentialing services to local educators in order to support quality schools throughout the county.

Services of San Diego County Office of Education:

The San Diego County Office of Education provides credentialing services to school districts, charter schools, universities, and non-profit organizations throughout San Diego County. SDCOE has been a public education leader in California for over sixty years. Over that time it has evolved into an organization capable of providing credentialing and other administrative support services to over 2 million school children throughout San Diego County Office of Education.

The county consists of thirty-one independent cities, fifty-three K-12 school districts including nineteen charter schools, four community colleges, and one California State University campus. In addition to its educational responsibilities as a county office of education (or COE), SDCOE is committed to its role as a regional resource for technical assistance in managing educational systems within its service area. This commitment stems from our belief that service delivery should be designed around each district’s unique needs and philosophy.

Western Association of Schools and Colleges Western Association of Schools and Colleges: Founded in 1885, WASC is an umbrella organization for accreditation serving primary/secondary and post-secondary institutions throughout the Western United States, Canada, Mexico (where it is known as WASCUM) and beyond.

Throughout history, WASC members have also been leaders on international issues related to accreditation; including various professional associations organized at specific levels or subject areas. Today they are joined by representatives from high-quality international accrediting bodies seeking reciprocity with WASC member institutions through affiliate status. These affiliations allow them to share best practices while aligning their own standards with those of WASC.

The emergence of these standards based networks offers mutual benefit through dialogue and support among a diverse membership base. WASC’s newest affiliates include four nationally accredited Chinese schools and a Japanese high school system whose respective country’s Ministry for Education has recognized these organizations’ substantial equivalency to accredited schools operating under their own national education laws.  We are currently affiliated with more than one hundred AICs, Accrediting International Commission around the world who seek to emulate our approach and methods for quality assurance within higher education.

WASC makes every effort to provide timely information about accreditation and quality assurance processes, policies, procedures, tools, training opportunities and resources available from our association and its many professional affiliates. That information can be found on our website where we regularly post updates about educational activities worldwide. San Diego County Office of Education The site also features useful educational materials such as commonly used terms in higher education accreditation or basic information about common academic subjects that educators may use when applying for study abroad programs overseas.

Benefits of San Diego County Office of Education:

San Diego County Office of Education provides a variety of credentialing services, including: Staff Permits/Certification Process: The District Superintendent or designee may request an extension to respond to an application, providing reason(s) why additional time is needed.

After receiving a request for extension, SDCOE staff will contact you directly with any questions regarding your application. If no response is received by SDCOE within 30 days from receipt of the application, it will be considered incomplete and returned to you. As stated in California Code 51700, credential applications must be completed and filed within 60 days following employment; otherwise applicants are deemed ineligible for enrollment at a district or charter school until credentials are complete.

Applicants hired prior to November 18, 2014 who have not already been issued a Temporary Teaching Permit (TTP) will receive information about how to obtain their TTP at least 10 business days before their employment start date.

School districts are required by law to obtain all pertinent documents from applicant candidates before issuing final offers of acceptance into new teaching positions. SDCOE cannot issue initial teaching credentials without all documents being verified through OEPAS that were previously submitted as part of a verified credential application. To allow time for state processing while helping ensure more efficient turnaround times, we recommend submitting transcript requests during vacation breaks or when semester course grades are due so they do not affect overall processing times.

An Official Copy Verification Letter is only needed if applying to teach K-12 in California; other states accept verification letters generated through OEPAS Verification process once transcripts have been processed through ADPIS electronic report function or secure system operated by certifying agencies outside of ADPIS but linked electronically. Once transcripts are complete, which takes approximately 2 weeks, it takes approximately another 1-2 weeks for them to arrive in Mail Station A and begin processing toward becoming final credentials.

How’s it work?

Applications are available on-line. San Diego County Office of Education, Applicants should also request an application be mailed to them or can visit our office in person. Applications will be reviewed and credentialing services provided by SDCOE based on information submitted in online applications and/or provided during face-to-face interviews (as necessary).

Some applicants may be required to take part in a skills assessment testing program offered by SDCOE or by other approved providers. Some qualifications are subject to prerequisites, which must be met prior to applying for some credential types. Refer to specific documents for complete qualification requirements for each type of credentials authorized by San Diego County Office of Education documents include Application Requirements & Qualifications List (ARQL) and Application Procedures & Guidelines (APG).

These procedures and guidelines serve as a basic overview of relevant processes for completing an application process for district boards of trustees and charter school boards before submitting their supporting documentation to credentialing staff at SDCOE. It is not intended to replace laws, statutes, regulations, and rules that apply specifically to K-12  Autodesk Education or statutes governing business practices in California; it does not constitute legal advice; nor is it intended as such. Finally, failure to follow these instructions does not relieve you from responsibility for complying with any applicable law.

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