Gohan appears in the anime-only sequel, Dragon Ball GT in a reduced role. He is the second Saiyan on Earth to be taken control of by Baby, after his father Goku himself. He returns to Earth at some point to fight Goten and Trunks, who are possessed by Baby’s minions.
Who is Gohan anime?
The Gohan is an anime-only character in Dragon Ball GT. He appears in a reduced role, and also serves as a babysitter to Pan while Goku is away. Bab likes Gohan pure heart (even if he had turned evil). Bab tries to turn him into his servant by telling him about his father’s death, but Gohan tells him his father always comes back. I am Saiyaman, defending justice.
After turning into a Golden Great Ape and being controlled by Baby, he says that he wishes for all of Earth’s Saiyans to return to normal (as do most of Earth’s other people), bringing everyone back from their spell except for Vegeta due to them having transformed into Super Saiyans before Bab’s arrival.
Gohan then turns on Baby, breaking free of his control and attacking him with blasts of energy. Gohan then takes on a Super Saiyan 4 form after transforming into one when fighting Baby, who was taking on a Super form himself. Gohan then fights Baby head-on until he is absorbed by him. When he is freed from Baby’s body thanks to Goku sacrificing himself.
Gohan gives Goku energy so that he can finish off Baby once and for all with a 10x Kamehameha wave blast at full power – which kills both Babies at once (along with Future Trunks). Gohan later attends another World Martial Arts Tournament with Chi-Chi and Videl watching Goten fight against Trunks in the Junior Division finals.
Gohan does not appear again until late in Dragon Ball GT when he helps Goku defeat Omega Shenron. Gohan is last seen attending a party with his family and friends at Bulma’s house at the end of Dragon Ball GT.
The word who doesn’t exist in the Japanese language hence why it got replaced by who instead of whom. This led to confusion among some users as they believed we were referring to someone named Who rather than Gohan Anime.
Can Gohan beat Goku?
They’re both super strong, but if we’re talking about Goku and Gohan in Dragon Ball GT , then no. In GT , most of Gohan Ki’s energy was sucked out by a machine from his body, but not all of it. This means that Gohan will still be weaker than Goku in terms of Ki energy and as such may not beat him. However, if Gohan trains hard enough then who knows he might be able to take down Goku in a fight just like Goten did against Trunks during a training match between them. The same thing could happen with Gohan and Goku since they are father and son after all.
Also, there is one advantage Gohan has over Goku and that is b is calmer than Goku and as such less likely to get hit while fighting. Gohan also seems to have a lot more control over his emotions when compared to Goku which would also give him an edge over his dad when it comes to battle. But again we can’t say for sure until Gohan gets into some real fights. Until then let’s hope they never fight each other!
If you want more answers check out my page at: They’re both super strong, but if we’re talking about Goku and Gohan in Dragon Ball GT, then no. In GT, most of Goku’s Ki energy was sucked out by a machine from his body, but not all of it.
This means that Gohan will still be weaker than Goku in terms of Ki energy and as such may not beat him. However, if Gohan trains hard enough then who knows he might be able to take down Goku in a fight just like Goten did against Trunks during a training match between them.
The same thing could happen with Gohan and Goku since they are father and son after all. Also, there is one advantage Gohan has over Goku and that is Gohan is calmer than Goku and as such less likely to get hit while fighting. Gohan also seems to have a lot more control over his emotions when compared to Goku which would also give him an edge over his dad when it comes to battle. But again we can’t say for sure until Gohan gets into some real fights. Until then let’s hope they never fight each other!
Why does Gohan look like Goku?
Gohan is Goku’s son, which means he’s a half-breed Saiyan. His mother was an Earthling named Chi-Chi, and his father was Goku. When Gogh was born, he inherited his mother’s looks and personality, but some of his facial features are from his father. An example of this would be Gohan’s hairstyle (which resembles Goku’s), as well as his facial structure—particularly around his eyes and cheeks.
The only major physical trait that seems to have been passed down from Goku to Beerus is their eye color—which makes sense considering what we know about Saiyans! Like his father, Gohan has black hair with a single bang hanging over his forehead. Gohan also has black eyes just like Goku did when he was younger. But when Gohan became older, they turned blue/green like Chi-Chi’s eyes instead of staying black like Goku’s did in Dragon Ball Z.
When Gohan turned into a teenager, he began looking more like his mother. He has a round face and long hair that spikes up in front. However, he doesn’t have a mustache or goatee, which is something both Chi-Chi and Goku have. Gohan also has blue eyes instead of black eyes like Joke’s are. His bangs on his forehead are shorter than they were when he was younger but still frame his face well.