How to pass a nicotine test for health insurance: That’s the question that many people ask when they find out that they’ll be required to undergo a nicotine test for their new health insurance policy. Luckily, there are ways to make sure you pass the nicotine test and are able to begin receiving your health benefits in no time! Just keep reading below for these tips.
Why life insurance companies test for nicotine:
How to pass a nicotine test for health insurance Almost all major health insurers and life insurance companies check to see if prospective clients are smoking. If they are, they’ll reject your application or charge you more. That is because research shows that smokers have a higher risk of death. The good news: We can show you how to pass a nicotine test for free. You will not only be healthier, but you’ll also save money on your premiums. Plus, being able to provide proof that you are free of tobacco makes it easier for insurers to work with you. These tips work best about 2 weeks before your exam so make sure to follow them carefully.
By following these steps, you can easily pass a nicotine test without fail. Remember that avoiding tobacco completely is ideal for everyone whether you are applying for health insurance or not. Tobacco causes cancer, heart disease, and other serious conditions in addition to raising your chance of dying early from other causes.
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How nicotine affects your life insurance rates:
You’ve made it through a grueling workweek. It’s time to kick back, relax and light up. You know you shouldn’t smoke, but you are ready for that cigarette break all of your friends have been talking about all day. If you are going to light up, it is important that you know how smoking affects your life insurance rates. The reality is that it will affect them for better or worse.
Health questions like these can be tricky because not every company values health in equal measure; as such, getting an idea of how much they really care can go a long way toward determining what kind of policy they might want from you and whether they would offer any money at all when you die.
How to pass a nicotine test for health insurance: Some companies may consider how often you smoke to be more significant than others, so knowing how they feel on the matter is important if you plan on buying life insurance with them. To find out how much your habit affects your premiums, take a look at some of our other articles on how smoking impacts health insurance premiums. Once you have seen how much they affect things, you can start thinking about how to pass a nicotine test for health insurance. As we mentioned before, each company is different.
What one person considers healthy could be considered unhealthy by another. For example, one insurer might think that five cigarettes per day put you in a high-risk category while another might think 20 cigarettes per day does not put you in a high-risk category.
Knowing how your potential insurer feels about tobacco use will help determine how hard it will be to pass their nicotine test for health insurance. It also helps you figure out how to pass a nicotine test for health insurance. Just like anything else, practice makes perfect. With enough practice, you should be able to reduce your intake and lower your risk level enough to get approved. However, keep in mind that just because you are able to lower your risk level does not mean that you should stop trying to quit altogether.
There are plenty of ways to quit smoking without lowering your risk level too much. Many people simply switch over from regular cigarettes (which contain nicotine) to e-cigarettes (which do not). Although they still contain nicotine, e-cigarettes do not contain many of the harmful chemicals found in regular cigarettes which make them significantly safer than their traditional counterparts.
Why you shouldn’t lie about your nicotine use:
How to pass a nicotine test for health insurance: Lying on an application is fraud. If you are asked about smoking and you answer no, your health insurer may order a medical exam and a DNA test. Both of these tests can detect exposure to nicotine even if it occurred months earlier. You might be denied coverage: No insurer will cover claims from someone who lied about his or her smoking habits. Your policy could be canceled or invalidated.
As soon as you fail to disclose your smoking habits, there’s no telling how long your provider can keep paying your claims before they decide they’re not obligated anymore. You’ll pay more: Even if you’re healthy, insurers charge smokers more because they know that people who smoke have higher rates of illness and injury than non-smokers.
For example, a healthy 30-year-old nonsmoker in New York City pays $2,212 per year for a midlevel silver plan; but that same person would pay $3,854 annually for equivalent coverage if he smokes. (Source) Health insurers also charge smokers more because their customers tend to use more health care services than non-smokers do. According to one study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in 2013, smokers were charged up to 50% more than nonsmokers with similar incomes and benefits under Medicaid-managed care plans in California between 2000 and 2007.
Compass Health Network If you want cheaper premiums, don’t lie. Get help quitting instead: If you’re worried about being honest about your smoking habit and having problems getting health insurance in the future, consider getting help quitting first.
The most effective way to quit is by combining medication with counseling; another option is to attend stop-smoking classes at a local hospital or clinic. If you get clean before applying for coverage, you’ll get a clean bill of health when you apply and better odds of landing low premiums instead of high ones.