Mountain Park Health Center

Mountain Park Health Center | whole patient care for a whole family

At Mountain Park Health Center, we provide whole patient care for a whole family. We understand that health involves more than just treating one disease or condition at a time it’s about keeping your body and mind working together as well as possible, and sometimes that means addressing other conditions alongside whatever you’re already seeing us for. At Mountain Park Health Center, we pride ourselves on our holistic approach to whole patient care, which means taking the time to understand each person individually, instead of expecting each person to fit into our tried-and-true mold of the average patient with an average medical history.

Mountain Park Health Center Overview:

The Mountain Park Health Center is a Federally Qualified Community Health Center (FQHC) serving Sacramento and Elk Grove, California. Our mission is to provide underserved people with comprehensive, quality health care in an accessible, caring environment. What we do in addition to primary care services provided by our private practitioners, we offer specialty referrals and urgent same-day appointments.

We also have diagnostic laboratory and radiology services available in-house. Accessibility As a federally qualified community health center providing healthcare at no cost to patients who qualify based on income guidelines, Mountain Park Health Center can serve individuals regardless of their ability to pay. Services are available onsite or through any one of our four offsite satellite locations within our communities. Affordability Insurance plans accepted include Anthem Blue Cross, United Healthcare, Blue Shield and Cygnet Anthem among others. Sliding fee scales are offered for those without insurance coverage.

Health Center  Childcare Children aged six weeks through 12 years old may be enrolled in one of our child watch programs while parents access health services such as immunizations, sick visits or treatment for minor ailments like cuts, blisters and colds. Child Watch is $5 per day per child if more than 1 hour will be spent on parent’s visit; otherwise it’s free.

Mountain Park Health Center Careers:

Become an Entrepreneur. You don’t need to work for someone else all your life. Start your own business now, with Mountain Park Our directory offers complete listings of businesses who are actively hiring now . We make it easy to start your new career in Entrepreneurship.

Mountain Park Health Center Then fill out brief form including a professional resume and upload relevant documents (optional). View similar resumes already posted, as well as employers that are currently posting jobs. By registering you will also receive email alerts whenever there are positions posted matching your search criteria so save time not just go through each resume one by one or miss important opportunities because you were busy doing something else. For example if you’re searching for jobs overseas keep an eye open so when new listings appear to let other people know first ! It’s completely free!

Service of Mountain Park Health Center:

Mountain Park Health Center provides health and wellness programs that empower members to achieve optimal wellness by addressing and incorporating their social, behavioral, cultural, mental and physical needs. Our goal is to facilitate access to healthcare services. We strive to work in collaboration with our member’s own primary care provider and in partnership with community agencies.

In addition, we encourage individuals to become active participants in their own well-being. The overall goal of our program is therefore to improve both an individual’s and his /her families overall quality of life through education and support. Programs available at Bear River Mental Health are listed below as well as each program’s target audience. As a nonprofit organization, there is no cost to our members and membership applications can be found here.

Additional affordable housing options if you would like to live near your loved ones while they receive health services here or free rental assistance for those who qualify. Our vision is that everyone who enters our doors feels welcome, respected and valued as individuals regardless of their ability to pay or any other characteristic such as age, race ethnicity etc.

As stated above you do not need to have insurance since all patients will be seen regardless of insurance status. We know it can be difficult to visit a doctor without having a referral or being scheduled ahead of time. This can leave you feeling as though you are inconveniencing someone by asking them to see you when they may already have several appointments scheduled.


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