Najimi Osana

About Najimi Osana

About Najimi ( 長 おさ 名 な なじみ, Osana Najimi?) is a character in Komi Can’t Communicate Their gender is unknown. Najimi Osana ( 長 おさ 名 な なじみ, Osana Najimi?) was created on 1/14/2013, and this account on 1/15/2013. Najimi Osana has been called many names before their name was fixed to be Najimi Osana.

A brief history of Najimi Osana

The character was first introduced in 2016 with no gender designated. The creators later said Najimi Osana is genderless, please don’t use ‘She’ or ‘He’ when talking about them. However, they were depicted as female on a keychain included with pre-orders of Can’t Communicate.

This caused some controversy amongst Japanese users, who found it disappointing and unfair to be told how to talk about an individual. Despite several patches attempting to fix their sex, efforts have been met with disappointment from both sides; while many will refer to her as male, they insist she should look like a female or at least allow her default appearance to one is changed.

It’s important to note that despite these complaints, not only does Komi continue to depict Najimi Osana as female, but she has also become a popular subject for fanart depicting her as such. Many of these are highly eroticized and feature sexual acts such as bondage and humiliation (including pegging).

While nothing is stopping you from doing so if you wish, please keep in mind that such artworks are not condoned by either Komi or Osana Najimi themselves (who are still yet to give any official statement regarding their own sexuality). If you wish to draw NSFW art featuring them, make sure you’re aware of what they’re comfortable with before doing so.

How to beat True End with Najimi Osana

Najimi Osana
Najimi Osana

I’ll be honest, I’m not sure how to get to True End with Najimi. If anyone can figure it out, though, please tell me and I’ll update my guide accordingly. For now, though, I suggest you play through her route as normal to unlock all of her love endings.

Then restart from day 1 of that route and try again. You might be able to trigger an ending at some point during your first playthrough that wasn’t available before! (I did!) Good luck! D Also, if anyone knows how to trigger Hajime’s or Sayori’s routes with Shizuo Heiwajima instead of Rin, let me know. I have no idea about either one of those two yet, update Okay, so for what it’s worth I just finished a run-through of each character with Najimi where she was friends with every single girl but ultimately romanced Sayori.

I got 3 different endings from doing so: Confused, In Love, and True End. Confused is basically just a slight variation on Loved where instead of going off alone to talk to someone else after confessing to Sayori she runs away while crying. In Love is pretty much Loved except without a confession or any real change in tone – mostly just a continuation of friendship between them until they go their separate ways at graduation time.

Finally, True End is very similar to Loved but there are more scenes of Najimi and Sayori interacting outside of school, including one scene where they meet up late at night in front of the school gate by themselves. There are also a few new lines scattered throughout which give you more insight into why exactly things ended up like they did. It’s still not clear why Najimi didn’t choose any other girls even though she had strong feelings for them too…but oh well. Maybe we’ll find out someday?

The stories about Osana najimi named things

A girl with a heart of gold and also Close friends in Komimiyasan wa, Himitsu-chou?. I have finally gotten my hands on an official voice CD just recently. All of these stories are completely not included in Komi Can’t Communicate Its setting though it seems that either direction is fine, like fanfiction or something.

As for my request, let’s try to stick with the latter. In addition to that, if you do want to write about any unusual parts of OCs then don’t hesitate to go for it! It’s much appreciated! But please remember that they’re not considered main characters so please make sure you mention that they’re OCs somewhere in your writing.

In her profile, she mentions several other people who aren’t even featured yet, so feel free to add them to your story too if you’d like! They include Nanaka Shirakawa, Nagisa Tsukino (Najimi’s cousin), Souichirou Sugawara (Najimi’s uncle), Akari Matsuo (Osana Jimi’s best friend), Kenji Matsumoto Osana Najimi, and Ai Matsuo.  Please make sure to note them as well when adding them to your story.

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